Tag Cameras

Tag Cameras

What is Creative Photography?

Tags: , , , , , , , , Cameras, Creative, Digital, Love, Photo, Photography, Resources, Techniques, Tips

What is Creative Photography?

Creative Photography is about discovering new shapes, colors, dynamic range, distortions and maybe even a combination of all of them.

Creative photography can stimulate you to create impressive imagery. It will help take you to the next level.

It is important to remember that even the most expensive kit in the world won’t get you very far if your photography lacks creativity and flair.

The only limit to this kind of photography is your imagination!

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Important points to consider when buying new equipment

Tags: , , , , , , , Cameras, Digital, Equipment, Focus, Love, Newsletter, Photo, Photography

One of the questions I receive more often when I answer e-mails for LSP is “What camera should I buy to attend your courses?”.

It is never an easy answer to give because it envolves several particularities and what is right for one might not be right for the other.

I will write about digital cameras only, but if you want to buy analogue, it should not be too different with few less things to worry about.

The first thing you need to define is your budget. Done that it is simpler to look at the options and choose the best one. That is the total budget and should include all essential accessories:

  • memory card
  • extra battery
  • UV filter for your lenses (check the diameter of the lens)

The second thing is to choose between cameras that have MANUAL Exposure Mode. While you might not want to use your camera in manual mode all the time, we expect you to use them manually as part of your course.

They can be:

  • APS Sensor DSLRs
    The most recommended cameras for beginners. They can be affordable and have the option to interchange lenses.
  • Mirrorless Interchangeable-Lens Compact (MILC)
  • Advanced Compacts
  • Super Zoom
  • Full Frame DSLRs
  • Medium Format Cameras




Photo Books You Need to Read #2 – Teach Yourself Photography

Tags: , , , , , , , Books, Cameras, Equipment, Photo Books, Photographer, Photography, Techniques, Tips

In the previous post about photography books, I confessed my obsession with collecting them, so here is another book from which I have learned a lot:

Teach Yourself Photography from the author Lee Frost.

Lee is regarded as one of the world’s best-selling photography authors. It’s hard to put a figure on just how many copies of his books have sold, but apparently it’s well over half a million.

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Teresa Walton: From a beginners workshop at LSP to her own Portrait Photography business.

Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , Cameras, Headshot, History, London, Love, Photographer, Photography, Portrait, Resources, Social Network, Techniques, Tips

Have you ever thought of opening your own photography business?

While for some it might be a goal very far away, there are people determined enough to, not only get there, but excel and become very successful.

Teresa Walton had a dream.

Read her testimonial from the first steps into becoming a professional photographer and find some tips on how to take a great professional headshot:

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