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Luciana Franzolin

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Luciana has been part of the LSP team since 2007. Born in Brazil, she started her career in photography as a darkroom technician in 1996.
Finishing a Journalism BA in 2000 and Photography Post Graduation in 2001, she has worked for newspapers and as a freelance photographer moving to London in 2003.
Very passionate about life, people and communication, she has worked in a wide range of environments and assignments and completed her MA in Photojournalism at the University of Westminster, London, in 2009.
her final project was a photo documentary called Senses, abou deaf-blind people living in the UK.
Luciana’s interests include street, documentary photography and portraiture.
She has now opened a branch of London School of Photography in Cyprus:


Antonio Leanza

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Antonio has been an active photographer for more than three decades. An artist, coach and teacher, he has developed a unique educational philosophy centered on the Creative Process and the Transformational Learning Experience.

He taught Photography and Digital Imaging at The School of Media of LCC (The University of The Arts London) for more than ten years and for Ilford Film throughout England. Antonio has trained and coached people from all over the world to the highly professional standards of National Geographic and he is currently developing new educational projects on Photography and Creative Development.


Giovanni Barsanti

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Giovanni has a genuine passion for photography, styling and creativity as well as concept creation for fashion and still life photography.

Since he moved to London, he started to work as the backstage photographer for the AOFM, (Academy of Freelance Makeup Artists) and for other major agencies as First Photographer.
Gio (That’s how we like to call him) has been part of the LSP Team for more than eight years, covering positions like Studio Manager and Trainer for all our courses & workshops. From 2016 to 2018 he has covered the position of Director of Training.
He is also fully trained in Adobe Photoshop and other advanced graphics softwares by the BigRock™ Academy (, one of the most sought after computer graphics school in Europe. www.giovannibarsanti.comInstagram Profile
