Food and Product Photography Course

food and product

The field of Food & Product Photography opens up a great number of possibilities for photographers aiming to extend their expertise and career opportunities. Commercial and Stock Photography is a demanding and ever changing market and keeping up with new trends is essential.

This workshop will look at the principles of Food & Product Photography, identifying some of the challenges and how to resolve them. It offers an in-depth research and practice on how different foods, textures and products respond to different types of light.

Each student will, in turns, act as photographers, assistants, prop designers & stylists – improving skills into every aspect that makes a great final image.

  • Introduction to Food/Product Photography
  • The principles of shooting food/products
  • Lighting, using flash, hot lights, strobes and natural light
  • Other equipment, umbrellas, soft boxes, backgrounds, props, etc
  • Hero shots and how to dress/organise food/products visually with in a group shot
  • Access and analyse trends & other Food/Product Photography
  • Work on visually forming an idea before shooting and subsequently how to achieve it
  • Post-Production work, retouching and image manipulation
  • Design an advert or a magazine spread using the Food/Product images shot during the week.

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Please do not hesitate to contact us should you need further information
